Installing fan filter unit in clean room is a crucial job. If the installation is done accurately, the FFU will work efficiently, but if it is not done properly you won't get the desired effect. In this article, VCR will provide you the fan filter unit installation procedure in cleanroom.

1. Fan filter unit installation conditions

Here are some environmental conditions and dress code requirements for FFU installers:

  1. When fan filter unit is installed, cleanroom must be closed completely. It takes 3 days for this device to remove all the dust and clean entirely the room
  2. Installers must wear clean clothes and gloves in order to prevent dirt from entering fan filter unit and HEPA filter
  3. 6 installers per group are recommended
  4. Ultra-fine glass fiber filter paper in HEPA filter is easily broken and damaged, therefore do not drop the filter or open the package during transportation, do not touch filter materials with bare hands.

2. Fan filter unit installation procedure

Step 1: Prepare the necessary tools and aluminum ladders to install the FFU. Two workers are expected to install on the ceiling, prepare the ceiling frame and the screw bar for the handrail. Pay attention to safety! Please refer to the picture below.

Fan filter unit installation preparation

Step 2: Two more people are expected to put the FFU on the high table, and have a high-efficiency filter ready for the installation.

fan filter unit installation instructions

Step 3: When the preparation is ready, the cleanroom workers put the FFU on top of the ceiling, and the workers on the ceiling take the FFU from the cleanroom workers.

ffu installation in clean room

Step 4: The fan filter unit needs to be tilted and lifted upwards.

clean room fan filter unit

Step 5: The workers on the ceiling lift the fan filter unit and the cleanroom workers install a HEPA filter from below.

ffu installation

Step 6: The filter is tilted up (pay attention to the correct direction)

installing fan filter unit

Step 7: After the HEPA filter is put in the right place, the workers should install it carefully, please check the FFU body to see if any corners are pressed against the HEPA filter.

install FFU

The fan filter unit installation is done. The FFU is now ready to use.


Vietnam Cleanroom Equipment (VCR) specializes in providing cleanroom equipment for construction contractors. We provide high-quality products with competitive prices and large quantities nationwide. The equipment includes:

Differential pressure gauge, FFU Fan Filter Unit, Pass box, Clean room air filter, HEPA box, Clean booth, cleanroom steel door, Isolator cabinet, and other equipment

For details, please refer to Vietnam cleanroom equipment official website