Fan filter unit is widely used in various fields. Do you know the history of FFU and why it is used. The article mainly introduces the development history and application of fan filter unit.

Fan filter unit is a combination of fan and filter, and can also be called " filter equipment with its own fan". Fan filter unit can be used in cleanrooms of class 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000.

1. Fan filter unit history

As early as the 1960s, the establishment of a laminar flow chamber introduced the application of FFU. However, it was not until 1984 that there was a large-scale application of FFU in Asia (about 5000 units). Why FFU has not been widely developed in such a long time? There are 3 reasons:

  • Noise

Under the low level of production tecnology, how loud would the noise of 5000 fans be together?

  • Pressure balance

In a large static pressure room, it was impossible to guarantee whether the fans in each different corner could get a balanced pressure.

  • Maintenance

The price of fan filter unit is relatively high. If its motor life cannot be carefully maintained, the replacement will charge more fees.

These are main reasons why many companies at that time did not choose fan filter unit (FFU).

All these problems were handled in 1984. First, the noise problem has been controlled. Large-scale fan filter unit plants can controll the noise below 65DBA, which meets the standard of industrial plants.

Next, thanks to the development of automatic control, monitoring and adjusting the static pressure in every corner of the room become much easier. The service life of motor has been gradually improved

2. Fan filter unit application - Why is it widely used?

Fan filter unit first appeared in laminar flow chamber, then it is involved in renovation projects that require high level of cleanliness. Fan filter unit is mainly used to solve the following problems:

  • Cleanroom ceiling space is not enough

On some occasions with high cleanliness requirements, the air supply static pressure box on the top of the cleanroom ceiling is used to balance the pressure on the cross-section of the cleanroom.

By using FFU, the cleanroom ceiling is divided into several modules, therefore we can adjust each module to meet the pressure balance requirements of the air supply static pressure box on the ceiling. This greatly reduces the requirements for the height of the static pressure box.

In some projects, the floor height is restricted, FFU can effectively solve this problem.

  • Insufficient static pressure

In some projects, due to the limited conditions, the air supply resistance is very large. Only using the air supply pressure of the air conditioning unit, in this case, is impossible. Since FFU has its own power supply, it can solve this problem well.

  • There is little room for air-conditioning machine

In some situations, the area of the air-conditioning machine room is small, it cannot accommodate large air-conditioning units. Instead, using the FFU - a self-contained device can reduce the number of air-conditioning units, which is the perfect solution for the obstacle. Due to this advantage, FFU is also applied to some cleanrooms with lower cleanliness requirements.


Vietnam Cleanroom Equipment (VCR) specializes in providing cleanroom equipment for construction contractors. We provide high-quality products with competitive prices and large quantities nationwide. The equipment includes:

Differential pressure gauge, FFU Fan Filter Unit, Pass box, Clean room air filter, HEPA box, Clean booth, cleanroom steel door, Isolator cabinet, and other equipment

For details, please refer to Vietnam cleanroom equipment official website